2019 Trinity Tea

16th Annual

Sing for Joy to God

March 30, 2019 at 11:30 am

(doors open at 10:45 am)


  • Encore musical performance by Three Longs and a Short
  • Door prize drawings
  • Craft area featuring quilts, stained glass items, plants, assorted handcrafts, and decorative items

Meal: TBA

  • provided locally

Location: Orphan Grain Train Central Iowa Branch

302 Bevins St.

Clemons, IA 50247

  • Doors open at 10:45 am, serving begins at 11:30 am, with program following

Tickets: $18 --  Tickets can be purchased directly from your hostess or by contacting Aileen McKinney at 641-483-2905 or 641-751-4004

If you have any questions, contact Aileen


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